Day 2: #edchatnz - following the education revolution


Day 2 - #edchat Conference @ HPSS

Session 1: F2f- #edchatnz @MissDtheteacher 

This was an excellent chance to match actual faces with virtual twitter handles...We experienced an #edchatnz session in real and virtual time. It was nice to hear the laughter around the room - it is true - laughter truly is contagious. I loved the constant 'ahhhs' as we all put faces to names. I found this session one of my highlights - it really does prove to me that I am a people person - ideally face to face. However, it is reassuring to know there is an amazing PLN, from all parts of Aotearoa.

Nice to connect with the twitter handles

Post it notes with our reminders...

#edchatnz and @MissDtheteacher giving us our questions

Session 2: MLE in every classroom Mark Osborne @mosborne01

You need a future focused vision, that asks - What is powerful T & L?
Ideally, look ahead 10 years and aim for there.

What are the features of 21st Century Learning? 

- learning dispositions - how they learn to cope with the rate of change. Power of technology - ever increasing rate knowledge

               learn, unlearn and relearn

If we want: Connected, confident, lifelong learners, creative students
Vision - for kids community / learning
Physical environment - NOT "cemetery seating" 
One to many settings

We can change/control/influence the right hand side 'soft' systems

Session 4: Dancing in the Dark Sandrea Ware & Jo Robson

Sandrea and myself decided to step up and support Danielle, our former colleague and Professional Reading Brekkie Club member. We offered a workshop based on our expereinces as foundation members of Albany Junior High School. 

Ten years ago we were cutting edge. Six years ago, Albany Senior High School opened, and now we have HPSS. We want to ensure we keep up and don't get left behind. We have professional pride, and are always pushing the boundaries to ensure that we don't get left behind. Hence, our workshop 'Dancing in the Dark' feeling our way into a MLLE/MLE. 

You can access the notes and Prezi, plus a practical 'takeaways' sheet. We tried to flip our presentation by offering a virtual tour of our library, via Prezi - check it out 

Thank you for participating, asking questions and reflecting. We are passionate about reading, learning and making a difference. Even if we are feeling our way in the dark - at least we are dancing.

Sharing our hopes for future libraries/classrooms

As Cheryl Doig pointed out yesterday, 
"you don't need a title to create change" 

We will always take risks, be the lone nut, and soon enough you will not be dancing alone.

Feedback/forward from participants:

- include student voice soundbites - Thanks for the suggestions. Note to self, learn how to embed videos without crashing Prezi!

Another, from Katrina, ngā mihi

Final Keynote: Karen Melhuish-Spencer @virtuallykaren

  • Not about the tools - the pedagogy/curriculum
  • Twitter pie #nom 
  • pop celebrity top 100 twitter follows
  • things that may not be popular
  • What is popular? worthy to be followed?
  • Questioning realities, reliability, thinking critically
  • online spaces "networked publics" digital c
  • Learning driving our students - active citizens - PBL, take action, look beyond themselves, dispositions/habits

  • Take a deep dive into curriculum, keep breathing, mapping concepts in the curriculum 
  • Effective teachers "identify essential representations of curriculum" Hattie
  • Learning design - find their place in their learning, harness strengths 
  • If I walk up and down your classrooms/halls, what is the innovative difference you are making? Not the tools, the way of learning
  • PEOPLE - the answers lie in the room 
  • OUR CHALLENGE: on Monday - what will you do?

#edubookchatnz - First book for term: Key Competencies (NZCER) -have ordered it - lets keep the education revolution momentum dancing.

When I arrived home, these were waiting for me...arohanui 
