#MLE Melbourne Tour 2015 - Silverton Primary School

Activating Learning Settings 

It was a real privilege to visit Silverton Primary School. The vision is clearly articulated and is seen in all areas of the school. This is led by principal Tony Bryant, and his leadership team based around an instructional model of:  Silverton  e5plus - Principles of Pedagogy and Personalised Learning - "a sophisticated amalgam of parallel initiatives, which have been combined and integrated". This type of instructional model "is best seen as a guide to the essential elements of good teaching which need not be applied in a linear manner" (Bryant). Refer to Janelle's blog post for further information regarding the nuts and bolts.

Key Aspects of Silverton Primary

  • Shared pedagogy
  • Professional Learning Communities - strong teaching coaching programmes/building staff capacity.
  • Authentic Curriculum
  • ICT rich
  • Personalised Learning
  • Passion/Discovery Time
  • Self Managing, fully autonomous

Discovery Time - Student Agency

Discovery Time and Inquiry are both planned around e5+ to create and nurture a culture whereby everyone is a learner. Bryant believes in a consistent, clearly articulated vision; quality interpersonal relationships and building "trust that allows all stakeholders to work together as a learning community". 

As our tour group walked around, it was clearly evident that learning is loud, exciting, personalised, messy, fun, engaging, exploratory, art/play/music based learning, collaborative, independent, interdependent...The affordances are explicit, visible and invite specific types of learning within the various spaces.

Reflective Learning Space 

Step inside our Planetarium 
Accessing Google Earth
Students who are inside
Independent Learning Station

Eager & willing to share the learning
Every space is a learning opportunity
Group Learning - collaboration
Loved the way this group of students evolved their learning story
One to Many - Setting up the day
Scaffolding the learning Discovery Time Passport foster student agency
Look at the students now - new costumes & still actively engaged
We learn through actively playing, exploring, making, creating

Let's dance - we like to MOVE IT!
Independent Learning Space
Our Inspiration Island - clear affordance
Actively learning

Wet Area 

ART - Maker Space

You choose
Making Music collaboratively
Learning Languages
Outdoor Learning Settings
On the farm...taking our learning into the natural environment

Authentic Learning = Engaged Learners
