After successfully hosting the NZATE Conference 2008 at Takapuna Grammar School, a group of enthusiastic and passionate Heads of English from the North Shore, established NARATE. As a dedicated committee of "keen beans", we have continued to meet for one hour at the beginning of every term, planned an event, and subsequently hosted events each term. Our aim is to be invitational, we have school memberships, personal memberships, as well as non members who are welcome to attend. As we are a non profit association, we have made the conscious decision to provide a generous koha to our presenters as a way of honouring the extra hours of their time and energy.
Over the years, there has been a fantastic range of keynote speakers, Aotearoa Authors, as well as our own fabulous English teachers who willingly present workshops on various topics to enhance our teaching, leading and learning. In Term 4, we hold a light hearted, highly competitive Literary Quiz. Additionally, our professional learning community share resources, assist with moderation, we generate new ideas, develop, mentor and guide our leaders, PRTs and everyone in between. Furthermore, our amazing catering by Julie is phenomenal - a key factor to entice educators in their own time! Also, special thanks to Sandrea Ware, Library Manager at AJHS, who is always there assisting with setting up, providing resources, and a calm manner overall.
Over the years, there has been a fantastic range of keynote speakers, Aotearoa Authors, as well as our own fabulous English teachers who willingly present workshops on various topics to enhance our teaching, leading and learning. In Term 4, we hold a light hearted, highly competitive Literary Quiz. Additionally, our professional learning community share resources, assist with moderation, we generate new ideas, develop, mentor and guide our leaders, PRTs and everyone in between. Furthermore, our amazing catering by Julie is phenomenal - a key factor to entice educators in their own time! Also, special thanks to Sandrea Ware, Library Manager at AJHS, who is always there assisting with setting up, providing resources, and a calm manner overall.
This year, we sponsored two English teachers, within their first five years of teaching, to attend the recent NZATE English Conference, Capital Letters 2015, in Wellington. Read Kat and Cameron's reflections from Conference here.
We also encourage you to check out +Narate Auckland for further information, AND follow along on twitter #NARATE15. Even better, come and join us for our Term 4 event: bubbles, quiz time and a social and professional occasion for all.
Making A Difference: Deep Learning
This week, as I was reading the New Pedagogies for Learning, via Derek Wenmoth at Core Education, the focus on six Deep Learning Competencies caught my eye:
Reading the above competencies here, is an affirmation that our NARATE work within the community cluster continues to strive for deeper learning. We are connected, collaborative, and have built strong relationships across schools who are in competition with one another. Our next step is to build these relationships and connections with our primary and early years. We aspire to continue building deeper learning, building connections, collaboration, critique, creativity, and of course, what most English teachers excel in - communication! Our principals are supportive and encouraging, this certainly helps. It is a win/win for all.
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