The Manaiakalani Journey - Pat Sneddon
Pat's Journey
Pat's keynote received a standing ovation. He shared from the heart, his journey. He was prepared to stand up, identifying the need for an articulated personal voice. No longer will Māori be trivialised, we must stand up for what we believe. After Springbok, NZ was getting upset about racism overseas, yet we needed and need to look at ourselves, here in Aotearoa.1982 - 2006 Māori Trust Board - recovery of whenua. Pat's long term commitment - positive outcomes and manaakitanga; a willingness and generosity, to reimagine what might our future look like?
What does the Treaty mean for Māori and Pākeha? When Rangatiratanga is affirmed, Kawanatanga is most effective. Our Whakapapa...
Pat shared the story of 'Room 18 are hiring!' - Job advert designed and created by the learners, for their new teacher. Outstanding response.
Learn Create Share Framework
- let's take it globallyDo it by doing it, not by saying we can't do it.
Parents and teachers - how might this work?
Affordances of digital pedagogies
Invent solutions to problems
Reduced choice, multiple opportunities
Netbooks - late 2010
Two things - finance it and pay for it - thanks Paul Beattie!
BOOF - sometimes we have to 'boof' through the door, and work out what is on the other side
The learners want the opportunities to succeed.
Researchers - working with parents, intersection between homes, whānau, partnerships
Not poor me, rather what's next?
Collaboration not competition
In order for this happen - we need to disrupt current practice
To develop Innovative teachers - bid for the chance to be part of
TESL - Teach Earn Study Learn - Manaiakalani Digital Teacher Academy
Mentor/mentoree - co teach
They are in the second year of this.
This is not for everyone, it is a discipline, an infrastructure, we know it works:- Decile 1 & 2 - raising achievement levels - respectful of their whakapapa.
CORE is actively involved working with the Manaiakalani Trust to provide experienced facilitators to support the clusters of schools in their Outreach programme. This team are actively sharing the deeper learning experiences.
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"THAT" Orewa incident - reshaping our story |
Reduce Choice, Increase Opportunity
Additional Links:
- EdTalk-Transformational journey to improve student achievement
- Awesome Graphic Recording:
- Plus review the #ULearn15 and #CENZ15 hashtag.
- Thanks Alex (@ariapopo22) for your storify curation.
In order to be transformational, we need a clear vision, a 'get up and go' attitude, be willing to BOOF through the door, take risks and opportunities, be resilient. Why? At the heart of the matter, is our ākonga, and the common goal of improved outcomes for ALL.
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