ULearn17 - Breakouts, Learning - Now What?

Sometimes you have to jump on stage and take a risk...Latai, Jo, Brad, Amy

Here are my photo memories: ULearn17

The key is to ensure that our memories become ACTIONS. What will be your NEXT STEPS?

Highlights include:

The keynote speakers - check out my previous blog posts featuring: Eric, Brad + Ann

The people - connecting with people and colleagues face to face - and great to have the #notatulearn17 people with us too!

Presenting with:

  • Mark Osborne & Jo Wilson, Changing Spaces 2017
  • Action Planning 2017
  • Jo Wilson - Creating Culture of Collaboration
  • Martin Bassett (aka hubby) Middle Leadership Matters - a practical approach to leading from the middle

Stray and Stay - Middle Leaders Matter - building effective teams

Attending workshops:
  • Research Strand - with Chris Bradbeer + Danielle Mybergh
  • Localised curriculum with Carolyn English
  • Kāhui Ako - sharing the journey with the Cambridge CoL and ACCOs 

The Conference Showcase

  • I am always so impressed by the confidence and passion people have when sharing their stories

Still to Do: 
I am looking forward to catching up on:
  • Linda Bendikson's Are we really promoting learning for success? Storify - thanks Jo W
  • The various Connected Educators spotlights
  • Recordings of everything I missed!

So What?

Take a moment to reflect:

  • What are your key takeaways from ULearn17? 
  • What has ULearn17 highlighted for You? Your team? Your school/kura/organisation?
  • How do these align with your: Current strategic goals?Annual Plan? The 2018 plan?

Now What? 

Where to from here?
What will you commit to?
Who will be involved?
What will success look like?
How will you measure success?
What resources will you need?
How will you keep yourself, your team, your school accountable?

My Mahi - how I might work with you?

Here is a glimpse of how privileged I am working WITH schools to push educational boundaries and TRANSFORM teaching, leading and learning. 


Au Kaha, Kia Kaha 
Empowered, Together
