Ngahihi-o-te-ra Bidois
The Rays of the Sun
MidBays Kāhui Ako Day 2018
We were privileged to hear from Ngahihi-o-te-ra Bidois, our first keynote speaker of the day. Ngahi - what an absolutely stunning, memorable, entertaining, humble and inspiring speaker. Mostly, my finger stopped typing; I was mesmerised and deeply moved.
Remember this:
Winners are losers who give it one more try
Ehara taki toa i te toa takitahi, Engari e ko taku toa he toa takitine
- my achievements are not mine alone, but those of many.
Ngahi shared his very personal journey from walking out of the Pākeha world, into discovering his identity, a journey his wife walked with him. They discovered their whakapapa, learned te reo Māori fluently, completing postgraduate studies in education. He speaks so proudly of his whānau, his beautiful wife, and children, now young adults, and the influence they continue to have on him.
His daughter often can be heard walking around saying over and over: Kia Kaha, Kia Maia - Be strong and courageous
If not me, then who,
if not now, then when?
Influence - leadership
Leaders lead - we need to step into that space otherwise someone else will take your place. Life is a series of opportunities - Are you taking them? Are you making them? Ask yourself:
What are my safe spaces?
know your safe spaces, engagement, influence, leadership and continuous reflection.
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata - it is people - look after people.
Ngahi was in a prison within his mind. The voices inside kept telling him TRUTHS - words of failure, telling him he wasn't going to succeed, he was nothing. He needed to break down the metaphoric bars - the words that were trapping him into a life going nowhere. Thanks to his Nanny Riini, who took Ngahi in, as long as he agreed to complete his secondary schooling - again!
Na te whakaaro kaa ora te tangata
(Nanny Riini)
Thinking time?
- Are you taking time out each day to reflect?
- what and how are you disrupting?
Voice - are you commanding confidence?
Do you think you can?
Who is your Nanny Riini?Everyone is a L..LEADER
What is your purpose?How many times do we allow our learners, our teachers, our trainees, to do poorly - to FAIL, to step up - to be courageous?
What is my ONE most important thing to do - courage to do ONE thing at a time.
What do you see in the mirror?
reflection and perspective
I don't know who I am?
Learning the Māori language meant Ngahi could walk in his Māori world. His whānau are fluent.If we can walk in my Māori world, what can you do within our Kāhui Ako?Who are you leading?
Be Strategic
What will the Kāhui Ako look like in 30 years - what is the strategy?
Teachers are important - we can recall our teachers - they influence our lives - so what will you do to INFLUENCE others?
Ngahi's two goals: to become a kura kaupapa Māori teacher and get a tā moko on his face as a reminder to never turn his back on his Māori self.
As leaders, we need to be the
Role model, clear thinker, speaker, communicator
Are you ready?
Nā te whakarongo me te titiro me te whakaaro ka puta mai te kōrero
Through listening, looking and thinking, we gain wisdom to speak.
How does this relate to your leadership moving forward?
Who do you need to hongi?
For Ngahi, he felt he needed to restore his relationship with his Dad. Who do you need to breathe life into? Wairua...
Haka - To conclude, Ngahi performed a moving challenge Wero from his tribe. The 500+ audience gave Ngahi a standing ovation and there were not many dry eyes in the auditorium.
Ngahihi-o-te-ra Bidois - tēnā rawa atu koe!
You gave us an inspiring and motivating wero, encouraging us to use our influence and lead the way for our people, the ākonga, the kaiako, the whānau - the MidBays Kāhui Ako, today and for the next thirty.![](
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