Learning through Different Eyes
Presenter: Sharlene Carki Weston School, Oamaru (Whitestone Network)
Making a Difference
We started with a pep talk - we can all be "gooder" - making a difference! Great starting point...especially if you are a fan of Robert Frost...'The Road Not Taken'...a favourite of mine to start the year!
Lets be innovative - how can we target our priority learners? The journey itself is interesting. Yes - it is a challenge. Worked through - narrative and collaboration for success. The way we do things differently - it is not the sole responsibility of the class teacher, it is a whole school approach, problem solve, help to get this child learning.
As an eleven week project as part of Sharlene's sabbatical, utilising the LCN model - Learning and Change Model. Started by surveying the students - results were surprising around Science. It seemed that learning was happening in isolated pockets - they may not be making the connections. Professional Reading - Seminar Series 234. We were able to link into the Key Competencies.
The Grand Plan
The Kauri Team, a class of ten priority learners from across the school were selected. A shout out to the LEARNZ team - virtual learning field trip to provide practical, engaging, authentic learning, hands on experiences.
Last words...
The expectation from Principal, Nicky Ryan, is that a ten week project, is part of their teaching as inquiry. Working collaboratively, opening up the classrooms, it is a journey, we are not always sure of the answers. The teachers are able to lead their learning. If we keep doing what we have always done, then we will get what we have always got. Instead, be:
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